Navy apprehends a group of persons for using unauthorized fishing nets

During a patrol carried out at Marsankudai in Keerimalai, Jaffna on 29th January 2020, the Navy apprehended 04 persons who used unauthorized nets for fishing.

The Navy is conducting constant operations to prevent illegal fishing methods. During a patrol carried out at Marsankudai in Keerimalai, the Navy apprehended these 04 persons who used unauthorized nets for fishing. Along with the fisherman 01 unauthorized fishing net, 01 dinghy, 01 OBM and several other fishing gears were also taken into naval custody. The suspects are persons from 19 to 34 years of age.

The apprehended persons together with the dinghy, OBM, unauthorized nets and other fishing gears were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector of Jaffna for onward investigation.