Navy apprehends 08 persons and seizes 02 dinghies for engaging in illegal fishing

The Navy apprehended 08 persons along with 02 dinghies for engaging in illegal fishing using unauthorized nets, during 02 separate search operations in Eastern seas on 26th and 27th June 2020. Accordingly, the accused were held in the sea areas off Kandaladi, Wakarai and Sinamweli beach in Trincomalee.

As illegal fishing practices often causes grave damages on marine habitats that support marine life, the Sri Lanka Navy has been conducting regular patrols in prevention of such activities. Accordingly, during similar operations conducted in the sea area off Kandaladi in Wakarai 08 persons were taken into naval custody for engaging in illegal fishing with unauthorized net and few other fishing gear on a dinghy. Meanwhile, the Navy in another operation at Sinamweli beach in Trincomalee held a banned net and few fishing gear on a dinghy.

The apprehended persons who are from 19 to 50 years of age were identified as residents of the same area. The accused along with seized items were handed over to the Trincomalee and Batticaloa Assistant Directorates of Fisheries for onward action.